Monday, February 23, 2009

Manage Stress At Your Workplace

You are not alone if you feel stressed at work, or even at home. Thousands and millions out there are experiencing different level of stress while you are reading this article.

Everyone acknowledges the existence and inevitability of stress at the workplace, but how many of us really understand the extent of damage it's wreaking?

Employee falling sick, poor concentration at work, employee fearful of going to work, not putting in their best effort, all there cripple productivity. Some estimates put the loss of GDP due to stress in some developed nations at about 10%!

Managers (particularly human resource manager) have the duty to monitor stress levels in the workforce, identify the factors that cause stress, and take firm measures to reduce it. We can point to the following factors that consistently will increase stress at work

  1. Poor working conditions (e.g. work overload, long working hours, travel, noises, or even work underload),
  2. Lack of clear role in the company (e.g. expectations that were not clearly defined, conflicting priorities and responsibility for others),
  3. Poor relationships at work (e.g. low levels of trust and lack of support).

In order to reduce and prevent stress at work:

  1. Roles, responsibilities and expectations should be clearly defined and agreed.
  2. Employees should have genuine control over their work and be allowed an appropriate degree of self-management of workload.
  3. Employee should participate in planning and decision making
  4. Conducive working environment.
  5. Employees should be actively discouraged from working excessively long hours.

Although there are many ways of relieving stress outside the office, only a few techniques are suitable for use in the workplace. One method that can be used in a work environment is aromatherapy. Many essential oils are recognized for their stress-relieving effects, and can help aid concentration and focus, and improve productivity and mood. There are plenty of electric oil diffusers available that don't require any burning as candles are mostly not suitable to be used in workplace.

Try oil like lavender, rosemary and orange, all of them known to reduce anxiety, depression and fatigue, and aid clarity, balance, relaxation and rejuvenation.

There is also an increase in popularity of stress relieve by audio therapy which one can apply during break time. It was also proven to reduce anxiety and depression, and to achieve mind relaxation.

The above mentioned methods work not only at work place; one can easily apply it at home, which is equally important.


Discover the secrets of audio therapy and download your free demo here:

Anxiety and panic issue? check this out and get your free mini series here: 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Think and Take Action

Many people think they are in control of their own lives and minds when they are in fact simply reacting to what’s happening around them. For example, waking up at the same time every day and driving the same route to work knowing full well that there will usually be an excruciatingly slow jam. Or not knowing all the relevant information at the meeting but not asking for dear of appearing ignorant. What about allowing certain outcomes to determine our mood? Life if a friend turns up late, or whether or not we get that promotion.

 Many of us do not think critically enough about how to improve our lives. Sure, we may think about getting a better haircut or how to get a good deal on our flat, but what about the deeper issues? For instance, what makes us upset and how we can deal with that? Our long-term goals, perhaps? What we truly want out of life? How we can get the knowledge that will help us achieve greater happiness and success?

We may think we think, but too often we’re simply reacting to how we feel. And occasionally when we do think, weak follow-up is done or not action taken at all. Thoughts are useless until they are put into action.

 Happy and successful people know how to think and take action to improve their lives. They spend a lot of time seeking understanding of their own minds. They’re keenly aware of their needs, their desires, their strengths, their weaknesses, their emotions. They are comfortable with their authentic selves and do not need to present a different version to the world. They’re honest to themselves and to others and are well-know for their integrity. They seek to make the world better but are able to distinguish between issues they should care about and that they should let go.

 Ultimately, you have to decide who controls your mind and your life. Do you want to simply allow life to happen to you? To let the words and actions of others influence your mood and behavior? Or do you want to be responsible for your own happiness?

 Happen people accept and respect themselves fully. They know what they’re good at and what they’re not good at. So they don’t react angrily when someone points out their weaknesses. They also don’t collapse under self-castigation when they make mistakes.

 What about consistently letting other people’s advice overrule your own? And allowing them to make you feel bad about a certain decision your made? Remember, no decision is a bad one. it merely puts in motion a chain reaction that leads to different things. So think for yourself, respect your own thoughts, contemplate how you can improve your life and take action!

Instant Stress Relief System

Goal Setting Formula

Persuasive Speakers Kit

How To Use Effective Communication Skills To Get What You Want

Motivational Success Ideas - Motivation

Secrets of Sound Sleep

A single good night’s sleep can rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Here’s how you can get one tonight. 

A regular exercise routine will help you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more refreshed, but experts don’t recommend vigorous exercise fewer than three hours before bedtime. Instead, schedule your workout five to six hours before lights out. Exercise causes your core body temperature to rise, and natural sleepiness will set in when your body temperature drops again.

Find another place for stressful activities. Pay your bills in your study or dining table, not in your bedroom, and definitely not in your bed. Your bed should be your sanctuary.

 Now you probable know this one – avoid nicotine and alcohol before bed. Nicotine is a potent stimulant, and the metabolism of alcohol has an alerting effect. Skip the afternoon latte, too. The stimulating effect of caffeine can remain for as long as 12 hours. Keep in mind that many teas and carbonated drinks contain high levels of caffeine as well.

 Restrict your water intake just before bed and during the night. Midnight trips to the bathroom can cut into your sleep. Particularly if you have a hard time dozing off again. Six hours of continuous sleep often result in a more rested feeling than eight hours of on-again, off-again snoozing.

 Check to see if any of your prescription or over-the-counter medications may be interfering with your sleep. Some diet pills, birth control pills, anti-depressants, and blood pressure medications can have a rousing effect. Sleeping pills, while tempting, are not the answer. They quickly lose their effectiveness and can be addictive.

 At night, create a nest for yourself. Eliminate clutter, maintain a comfortable sleeping temperature, and keep the room dark. Nightlights and bright moonlight can interfere with quality sleep.

 Practice aromatherapy. Lavender oil or a lavender sachet on your bedside table may help you feel sleepy and more relaxed.

Stock your bedside table with easy reads that are both empowering and relaxing.

Keeps a notebook and a pen near your bed, as well, to jot down any late night worries. The act of recording your anxieties will help clear them from your head so you can relax into slumber. Sweet dreams!

Instant Stress Relief System

Goal Setting Formula

Persuasive Speakers Kit

How To Use Effective Communication Skills To Get What You Want

Motivational Success Ideas - Motivation

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Choosing to Be Positive

How has your day been? How is it going to be? If we had the choice, we’d no doubt want each day to be phenomenal – exciting, enriching, meaningful, joyful and pleasurable. But are you exercising that choice? Do you intentionally and consciously choose your attitude each day?

Most of us tend to allow external circumstances or other people to choose your attitude for us. As in, whether our day is a good one or not is dictated by whether we get up on time, whether the kids give us any trouble, whether the traffic is agreeable, whether the boss is in a good mood, whether another big, thankless task is dumped on us, whether our spouse or partner greets us with a smile.

When you choose to live this way, you are allowing external circumstances to control your mood and disposition. This is fine as long as everything runs smoothly in your life. But that doesn’t happen often, does it? life is hardly predictable – accidents happen, machines break down, kids have their tantrums, workloads become seemingly unmanageable. And when you finally get home in anticipation of a tender hug and a sympathetic ear, you find instead another frustrated and angry person who can’t wait to dump all the day’s tribulations onto your already tired soul.

What happens then? What happens when you have a lousy day?

You see, the problem with not choosing a positive attitude everyday is that we run the risk of getting a negative one imposed on us at the whim of other people and situations. Our mood is then at the mercy of the volatile. But although we can’t dictate the weather, we certainly can choose how we react to it.

So what if we claim our right to consciously choose our attitude?

Well, we’d invite more joy into our lives. We often overestimate the influence the outside world has on our mood – like if we encounter a surly cashier at the café, we feel offended and ourselves become sullen and rude, as if to pay forward this unbearable debt of bad manners. When really, the moment’s tension can be neutralized instantly if we choose not to be affected by someone else’s thoughtlessness.

By choosing a positive attitude each day, we attract more positive experience into our life. The qualify of each experience often determines the quality of the next experience – I’m sure you’ve been in situation where your plans get thrown off completely because something when wrong. But when things go awry, you can also choose to move on without a scratch, thus affecting a better outcome or future experience. 

Instant Stress Relief System

Goal Setting Formula

Persuasive Speakers Kit

How To Use Effective Communication Skills To Get What You Want

Motivational Success Ideas - Motivation