Friday, February 20, 2009

Secrets of Sound Sleep

A single good night’s sleep can rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Here’s how you can get one tonight. 

A regular exercise routine will help you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more refreshed, but experts don’t recommend vigorous exercise fewer than three hours before bedtime. Instead, schedule your workout five to six hours before lights out. Exercise causes your core body temperature to rise, and natural sleepiness will set in when your body temperature drops again.

Find another place for stressful activities. Pay your bills in your study or dining table, not in your bedroom, and definitely not in your bed. Your bed should be your sanctuary.

 Now you probable know this one – avoid nicotine and alcohol before bed. Nicotine is a potent stimulant, and the metabolism of alcohol has an alerting effect. Skip the afternoon latte, too. The stimulating effect of caffeine can remain for as long as 12 hours. Keep in mind that many teas and carbonated drinks contain high levels of caffeine as well.

 Restrict your water intake just before bed and during the night. Midnight trips to the bathroom can cut into your sleep. Particularly if you have a hard time dozing off again. Six hours of continuous sleep often result in a more rested feeling than eight hours of on-again, off-again snoozing.

 Check to see if any of your prescription or over-the-counter medications may be interfering with your sleep. Some diet pills, birth control pills, anti-depressants, and blood pressure medications can have a rousing effect. Sleeping pills, while tempting, are not the answer. They quickly lose their effectiveness and can be addictive.

 At night, create a nest for yourself. Eliminate clutter, maintain a comfortable sleeping temperature, and keep the room dark. Nightlights and bright moonlight can interfere with quality sleep.

 Practice aromatherapy. Lavender oil or a lavender sachet on your bedside table may help you feel sleepy and more relaxed.

Stock your bedside table with easy reads that are both empowering and relaxing.

Keeps a notebook and a pen near your bed, as well, to jot down any late night worries. The act of recording your anxieties will help clear them from your head so you can relax into slumber. Sweet dreams!

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